Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Air Command Gyrocopter and Quicksilver MX II

Well folks, I decided to get back into aviation.  I have been considering purchasing a gyrocopter for some time.  My lovely wife Danita wants to fly with me and we had considered finishing a build on a two place tandem gyrocopter.  However, many in the gyrocopter sport have advised me to fly in a single place machine for at least one-hundred fifty hours before getting a two place machine.  Therefore, we decided to rebuild a two seat Quicksilver MX II (fixed wing) airplane that we could share.   This reduced my budget on a gyrocopter to a used single place machine and this is what I found, a center line thrust Air Command with an MZ 202 two-stroke engine.

Here is the MX II prior to the renovation that we are working on:

Currently, it is completely dis-assembled for repairs.  We are giving the engine a tune-up, by replacing the muffler, spark plugs, points and condensors.  We are also overhauling the carburetor.  Plus, we are replacing the wing covering material, modifying the stabilizer  and replacing the instruments.  Finally, to reduce weight, we are replacing the electric starter with a rope pull starter.


  1. I did not quite finish restoring the MX II prior to moving to Georgia. I decided to sell it and it is now in Oklahoma being finished by an A and P mechanic.

    The Air Command is now my focus. I have removed the nose pod and will be modifying the mast and rotor head. The mast will be 4 inches longer and I will move the rotor head 2 inches forward. The new mast will require two new and longer control rods.

    I am also replacing the instrument panel with a smaller, lighter pod I had on the MX II with less instruments. I will have a rotor tach, altimeter and exhaust gas temp gauge.

    Finally, I will need to replace two bent tubes on the axle assembly. Parts are on order!

  2. Wow very nice I have a MX and am building a hornet gyro.I love ultralight stuff!!!

    1. I don't miss having a fixed wing ultralight and once you get training, you will understand why gyroplanes are so much better!
